We are so excited to have you!
Thank you so much for inviting me to slip between the Satin
Sheets, and share with your readers today.
Although I’m an author, first and long before I ever wrote
the words, “Chapter One,” I was a reader. An avid reader. I read at least one
book per week, and sometimes more. I read mostly romance, and I’m particularly
drawn to historical romance, but also read many other genres now as well. Before the advent of the e-reader, I
visited my local book store once a month and purchased 4-6 novels, which would be
devoured like a luscious dessert.
Often times while wandering among the shelves in Barnes
& Noble, I would be attracted to a cover, intrigued by the blurp on the
back of the book, and so, I would purchase the book. Most of the time, I
enjoyed the novel, but every once in a while I discovered that judging the book
by its cover was a mistake. Sometimes I became so disheartened by the book that
I would ask myself how the book ever came to be published. Keep in mind that
although I had been writing my entire life, at this point in time I had never
attempted the task of writing a novel.
When I sat down to write, when I penned the words, “Chapter
One,” I had o idea how to write a full length novel, but one thing I did know
was that I wanted to write the type of book that I enjoyed reading. I started
to think about what annoyed me in the books that I read and did not like. One
of the major things was when an author didn’t tie up loose ends. I vowed I
would never do that, and I hope that I have kept that promise. I knew I wanted
to write a story that would draw my reader into the world of my characters,
that would allow my readers to related to the emotions tugging at the heart of
my heroine, and that even though I would take my readers through many twists
and turns, I would provide them with a happy and satisfying ending. When
writing my first novel, I actually made a hand-written list of all the issues I
had created for my hero and heroine, and crossed them off the list as I
resolved them. By the time I penned my third novel, To Kill a Monarch, I had developed a system of checks and balance,
which I hope works.
Regardless of what I’m writing, my goal as an author is to
provide an entertaining escape for my readers. As an author, I’m always
interested in interacting with readers to find out what they like, what they
don’t like, and what they would like to see. I’m always interested, so please
share your thoughts with me. Readers always want to know more about authors, so
I’m happy to answer any questions (well, almost any questions) that you ask me.
Now, I would like to tell you a little bit about my newest
release, To Kill a Monarch.
Whispers in dark allies say
Napoleon’s best assassin, The Falcon, has been sent to London to kill the
Monarch. The problem – The Falcon’s identity is known only to the French
Emperor. Sir Walter Tinsdale’s new partner, Philip Hamilton, arrives to
discover their mission is to find the elusive bird of prey before he strikes.
But their nemesis is like a phantom and always one step ahead of them. Enter
the lovely Miss Charlotte Winston, the object of Sir Tinsdale’s affections, as
well as those of Philip Hamilton. Unlikely alliances, deception, murder, and
suicide will keep you turning the pages until the identity of The Falcon is
finally revealed. With all the seduction and action of a James Bond movie, To
Kill a Monarch is like 007 in 1811.
Sound interesting? I sure hope
so. Want more? How about an excerpt?
Phillip lifted the lid off the terrine. The rich aroma
of the thick beef stew rose with the steam that swirled above the heavy pot. A
loaf of bread wrapped in a linen cloth still held the heat of the oven and his
stomach growled, reminding him that he had not eaten since breakfast.
“Come, Charlotte. I’m famished. Let us dine. And after
we eat, I have another surprise for you.”
“Another surprise?”
“Yes, I have a little gift for you.”
She sauntered toward the table only stopping when she
came to stand beside him. “A gift?”
“What is it?”
“It’s a surprise. Now come, let us eat.”
“Will I like it?”
“I hope you will.”
“Tell me what it is.”
“You will have to wait until after dinner to see.”
“Phillip, why do you tease me so?”
“As I believe I have already told you, Madam, you have
yet to sample the extent of my teasing. But after dinner I intend to give you a
full ration.”

Where can you get this saucy
little caper book? It is available in e-book through Soul Mate Publishing (
www.soulmatepublishing.com), on
Amazon, and at B&N.
And now for some fun! I’m going
to give away one e-book copy of To Kill a
Monarch. The winner will be drawn at random and all you have to do to
qualify is leave a comment, but in your comment you must use the words Monarch
and Falcon. Oh come now, surely you didn’t think I would make it that easy for
you. I look forward to your comments and questions. Good luck to all.
Be sure to leave your email addy in the comment too!!!