Monday, December 31, 2012

Nadene's Satin Sheets Review of Money Can't Buy Me Love by Julie Reilly

Money Can't Buy Me LoveFile Size: 997 KB 
Print Length: 412 pages


Before Linzi Hughes won the Lottery, her only problem was trying to lose some weight for her best friend’s wedding so she didn’t look quite so much like a giant purple heifer in her bridesmaid’s dress.

Linzi’s first act is to hire dishy personal trainer Ronan to transform her from BBW to babelicious celebrity party girl. But losing her friends, her fiancé and her self-respect along the way when the tabloids tear her to shreds hadn’t been part of the plan. Finally hitting rock bottom, Linzi wakes up in hospital with a pair of matching wrist bandages that really don’t go with her Jimmy Choos.

When widower and single father Scott Trelawney meets secretive “Jennifer” in his quiet Devon village, he has no idea she is infamous Z-lister Linzi in disguise, hiding out from the dirt-digging paparazzi. He falls in love with her sweet personality, but how can Linzi ever tell him who she really is?

WOW! I am still trying to catch my breath after reading this story. Money Can’t Buy Me love is a gripping, emotional and true to life read which is set in Blackpool, Cheshire and Devon located in the United Kingdom.  I have never been to any of these places, however after reading this book I felt as if I were a part of it.  I have no regrets for the sleep lost while reading this story. 
The main character, Linzi brought out an array of emotions such as love, hate and pity. Linzi has been struggling with her weight from as far back as her childhood.  She was ridiculed as a result while attending high school. In college she tried to overcome her insecurities by being jovial.  It was easy for persons to gravitate to her because of her cheerful and loving personality; however no one realized the struggles she was faced with.  She was engaged to a fabulous guy who loved her dearly.
This all changed when she won the lottery. She went through a dramatic weight loss; however in the process she became dishonest, selfish, malicious, self-absorbed and spiteful.  She lost her friends and fiancée as a result.
She tried to gain the approval of the rich and famous but she was not welcomed with open arms. She was ridiculed and treated like trash. Her behavior became erratic and one could not help but pity her at this point.  
After hitting rock bottom she tried to get away from it all and as such she changed her identity and moved to the country. It was at this point that she realized what she had become and tried to make changes in her life.   During this change she met Scott, a single father and widower. They were immediately drawn to each other.  Linzi aka Jennifer was afraid to tell Scott about her past and she was constantly living in fear that he may find out before she was ready to tell him the truth.  
Linzi/Jennifer was someone I could absolutely relate to where it concerns her insecurities in regards to weight and the struggles she faced in shedding those pounds. The story emphasized that no matter how much money you may have it cannot guarantee you happiness or love and  that one can achieve their goals if they put their mind and hearts into it. There was some laugh out loud moments. Linzi/Jennifer was able to overcome her insecurities and became a better person as a result.  The story held me from the beginning and I could not wait to see how it ended and I must say I was not disappointed.  Readers can relate to the ups and downs that Linzi/Jennifer was faced it and how she triumphed in the end. This book is a must read and as such I would definitely recommend it.

Title is awarded 5 satin pillows.

Heat Rating


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Angela's Review of Unforgiving Ghost by Candy Little

Sunday, December 30, 2012 Satin Sheets Romance Review Unforgiving Ghost by Candy Little
Title:  Unforgiving Ghost
Author:  Candy Little
Author’s Website:
Genre:  Inspirational Romance
Length:  180 pages
Find It On:   Amazon and Barnes & Noble  

Trying to deal with her grief, Megan Black leaves her small farm in Illinois and moves to the quaint city of Santa Barbara, California. As she struggles with the memories of her past, she soon learns that you can't run away from your problems. In fact, she’s just found more trouble! The tall and handsome, Steven Peterson is causing conflict in her heart. Can Megan find peace in God and faith to choose the right path? Or will chasing ghosts cause an unforgiving heart that only leads to destruction?  
As the son of a billionaire, Steven Peterson is used to getting what he wants – usually without even trying. So he find it intriguing when the new cook for his family does everything she can to avoid him. However, his intrigue quickly turns into love. But Megan is hesitant to fall for a playboy. Can he prove that he’s a changed man and earn her trust? Will his true character shine through the shallowness when their love is tested?

Angela’s Review:
            Unforgiving Ghost is the second book that I have read by this author, and it didn’t disappoint!   I was totally drawn into the storyline from the very first paragraph! 
            The grief coming from Megan was so well written that I could actually feel my own heartbreaking for this young woman.  Ms. Little did an amazing job of giving the reader just the right amount of Megan’s past to keep me turning the pages for more.  I love Megan’s loyalty and her generous heart and she came off as the girl next door.  
            I fell in love with the Peterson family!  It was a great rags to riches background and I absolutely loved that they gave back to their community.  Their support for Megan came off as genuine, and it was fun to see the generosity toward this lost soul that unexpectedly came into their lives.  I will admit I totally wanted to reach out a smack their daughter, Tiffany when her character was introduced into the story.  The emotions I felt throughout this read attested to the writer’s amazing ability to draw her reader’s emotions in to the many intense situations.
            When it comes to Steven Peterson all I can say is………….I love him!!!!  He has that wild past, but its his confidence that gets to me.  There is nothing sexier than a confident man.   Steven is painted as the “player” type, but deep down he has been burnt and isn’t interested in love until Megan comes along.   Watching Steven transform in this story was so moving, and was the main reason I fell in love with his character.
            As I was reading this sweet story, and like I do with every story…………….I tend to make my predications.  Candy Little totally threw me for a loop, when the storyline took a whole different turn.  It was a good turn.   I don’t want to give any spoilers away, but it was an unexpected and the twist had me devouring the remainder of the book into the wee hours of the night!!!   
            If you are looking for a touching, slightly spiritual, romance then Unforgiving Ghost is a must read!!   By the end I cried, and in my personal opinion Ms. Little has the ability to write a story that touches all your senses.  A wonderful story and I look forward to more from this author!!!     


Friday, December 28, 2012

Ava's Satin Sheets Romance Review of Submit to your Fantasies

Title: Submit to Your Fantasies

Author: Lynn Myshe Joseph

Genre: Erotic Romance


Length: 21,499 words


In this anthology, Lynn Myshe' Joseph lets you explore 5 different fantasies, from the boardroom to the bondage room.
You will discover what it feels like to be bound and restrained, the hesitations and doubts of first timers, and how thin is the border between reality and fantasy.
Welcome to a world where you will submit to your fantasies!

Satisfying Her BDSM fantasy:
Being bound for your lover, writhing under their touch, begging for more is erotic all in itself, but, now, think for a moment, what it could be like to experience being bound and pleasured by multiple people all at once, bringing you to the ultimate peak of satisfaction. Would you dare it?

Office Dreaming:
The office is a place of working, water cooler talk and chugging down horrid coffee- until you are so enthralled by a sexy co-worker that you cant think straight. The the office becomes a place of pure desire, as you imagine being in very compromising situations with your hot as hell colleague. Hmmmm...

My night with an actor:
So we have all had those nasty dreams of our favorite celebrates; what we would do to them, what we would allow them to do to us- oh it can get good! The opportunity has come for this young woman and, well, lets just say she makes good on every sinful thought that has ever crossed her mind about this man.

Facing her Fear:
What happens when a fantasy, something dark, wicked and hot,that you have ached for so many nights, is about to become a reality? Do you face it or run away?

The Domme I asked for...:
Every man wants a strong, dominate woman to control his every move in the bedroom, right? When such a wish is granted, how do you react?
Adult-content rating: This book contains content considered unsuitable for young readers 17 and under, and which may be offensive to some readers of all ages.


One very intense collection of short and very hot fantasy stories that are sure to raise your body temperature and leave you wanting more! Submit to your Fantasies has it all; vanilla sex, bdsm, ménage, anal play and more. Each story had excellent detail, various settings and characters which help to give each fantasy the realistic feel I believe Lynn is aiming for. I honestly felt like a voyeur at times as if I was there watching the couples (and ménage) get down and dirty. Any fan of the erotic genre will find intense enjoyment in Submit to your fantasies :)

I strongly recommend a cool tall glass of your favorite beverage, possibly a fan and a private room. This is not a book to read when around others or in a public place (unless it’s your honey, then that’s another story) *wink. I look forward to reading more work from Lynn Myshe Joseph and hope she has some new release(s) soon!

4 Satin Pillows
Heat rating of 5 pillow mints

Buy Links:


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Natalie Gibson reviews Blood Spirit by Gabrielle Bisset for Satin Sheets Romance Reviews

Blood Spirit (Sons of Navarus #3)
by Gabrielle Bisset

ebook, 205 pages
Genre: Paranormal (vampire) Erotic Romance

Buy Links:

I am everything you seek. I am vampire.

Blessed with the gift of telepathy, Terek always knows what a woman wants. His gift has afforded him nightly sensual pleasures and exotic treats for centuries, but beneath the surface he yearns for much more.

Ilona can give him what his soul craves, but only if he trusts his heart. One fateful choice made out of desire puts all he cares for in danger. With a civil war and the threat of Archon hunters at every turn, this Son may lose everything if he can't find the balance between heart and mind.

Natalie Gibson's review:
This is the best of the three.  That may be because Terek is the most reasonable and understandable hero.  He is a sympathetic character.  He is a good man and a good sire.  He is misunderstood because of the way he chooses, makes and keeps his vampires.  He only turns females and he has them housed together in his places all over the world.  Other vampires call them Terek's harems but he does not see them that way.  He has a near partnership with his first few turned, but while he loves them all, he gives his heart to none.  He loved completely in his human past and it nearly killed him.  He is not ready to commit to one woman because that would make him weak and easy to attack.  His 'harem' talk constantly about 'the one' who will come along and change all that.  They recognize this in Ilona way before he can see that she is perfect for him.  Ilona resists him at every turn.  She is not happy with her conversion.  She never asked for it, but was turned as an alternative to dying.  Though Terek is a telepath, Ilona is completely blank.  He cannot read her and so she must overcome her own hangups before he can give her what she needs to come to terms with her new life.  What she wants is Terek - 100% of him.  She cannot share.  Their romance is realistic and their chemistry is genuine. 
Ilona has difficulty reconciling the man man he is with her, so sweet and patient, and the killer he has been and easily slips back into.  Terek was a monk who after being turned devoted his life to loving all women.  He faught wars against humans set on ending his kind.  He has many kills to his name and easily does what is needed to protect those he loves.  She has difficulty understanding how so much good and so much bad can reside in one soul.  She is afraid that the man she fears will replace the one she loves.
The overall story arc of the Sons vs. Archon advances slowly.  The Archon score some points but believe they are much further ahead than they are in reality.  They kill a vampire named Sampson, thinking he was a Son.  They attack Terek's vampires because they think the vampires belonged to Sampson.  The Sons make headway with the prophesy and the bad guy from book 2 moves up the Archon ranks.  His character is a little more flushed out and the reader is exposed to the Archons as a whole, who are much greater in number and power than we have previously been led to believe.  This is building to quite the showdown.

Blood Spirit is awarded 5 satin pillows.  It was a great read that not only fans of vampire romance but also fans of good old fashioned romance will enjoy.

It earned 3 candle flames from me.   Blood Spirit had graphic adult scenes and themes but was not as explicit nor as arousing as the first two in the series.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

~Ava's Reviews and post of Winter Warmer Deals from Felicity Heaton~

Winter Warmer Deals from Felicity Heaton / F E Heaton – Paranormal Romances with Passion

Between now and 15th January 2012, you can get your hands on some of Felicity Heaton and F E Heaton’s hot heroes at bargain prices or even for FREE! What better way to pass a chilly winter or relax in the sunshine if you're down under, than curled up in the arms of some paranormal heroes, letting yourself be swept along in their romance and adventures?

There are plenty of fantastic reads to choose from, all priced between FREE and $3.99 and in a range of lengths between novella and long novels, and a variety of paranormal romance sub-genres including sinful angels, sexy vampires, seductive werewolves, and even a super-hot demon and sassy witch pairing.

You can snap up the first book in Felicity Heaton’s best selling angel romance series, HER DARK ANGEL, for FREE. Or indulge your wicked side by picking up a FREE copy of the first book in her oh-so-naughty Vampire Erotic Theatre series, COVET.

If you like longer vampire romance novels packed with action, twists and emotion, then why not check out the first book in her Vampires Realm series that she writes as F E Heaton? And yes, PROPHECY: CHILD OF LIGHT, is also absolutely FREE!

You can also grab yourselves some of her stand alone paranormal romance novels or snatch some more books in her Vampires Realm series for only $2.99 or $3.99, including her award nominated vampire romance novels Forbidden Blood and Heart of Darkness.

These great deals are available at Amazon Kindle Stores, Apple iBookstore and Kobo Books! Don’t worry if you’re a Nook or Sony Reader user. You can download the FREE EBOOKS at Kobo Books and use the epub file on your device without any problems.

So snap these up quick to avoid disappointment! FREE EBOOKS end on December 31st 2012 and the prices of discounted books will change back on 15th January 2013.

Find out more about the books and these great offers at:

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Title: Her Dark Angel (Her Angel Series Book 1)
Author: Felicity Heaton
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Length: 96 Pages

Description: An angel without a mission, Apollyon lives trapped in Hell guarding the bottomless pit. Surrounded by endless darkness, he longs to fly free on Earth once more but his master hasn’t called him in centuries. When the call finally comes, it’s to serve a new master, a beautiful woman he has often watched over, a woman who has always captivated him.

Serenity is shocked when a gorgeous black-winged angel shows up in her city of Paris claiming that she called him when she was only casting a simple vengeance spell. He’s no other than the angel of death! When Apollyon offers to obey her and help her have revenge on her cheating ex-boyfriend, she can’t resist the temptation, but can she resist him? Can an angel as dark as Apollyon ever fall for a mortal woman like her?

Their charade as lovers quickly becomes reality when one dance leads to another and Apollyon proves that he’s as sinful as he looks. His sensual and hungry touch brings Serenity back to life, freeing her from the hurt of being betrayed and reigniting her passion, but she can’t ignore her growing fear. Lost in their moment together, Apollyon realises that there is a reason he heard her call—he’s in love with her.

But will Serenity see past the wings and believe that Apollyon returns her feelings and won’t hurt her? When her ex-boyfriend asks her to forgive him and be with him again, will she take the easy route or will she find the courage to fly away with her dark angel?

Dark, passionate and erotic, Her Dark Angel is a tale of intense desire and deepest forbidden love guaranteed to get your heart racing.

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I loved this book! It is an excellent start to a series that many paranormal readers will adore. Apollyon the amazingly handsome, lonely angel who is the one that answered to Serenity's, the vengeful yet beautiful witches call for assistance to have her revenge on her cheating ex . This book is magically addictive with sensual romance and mild action, without the usual drama. A "must read" for erotic paranormal fans who want a book to excite, touch and linger in their thoughts long after the last page is turned.

I was provided a copy of the book by BTS eMag for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review - all conclusions are my own responsibility.

5 Satin Pillows

Heat rating of 4 pillow mints

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Title: Her Fallen Angel (Her Angel Series Book 2)
Author: Felicity Heaton
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Length: 104 Pages

Description:  Annelie fell for Lukas the moment he walked into her pub three years ago. He’s stunning, his vivid green eyes lending to his otherworldly beauty, but he’s seriously out of her league. When he tells her that she’s beautiful and confesses that he wants her, she can’t resist him and his passionate kiss. She unleashes her desire and seizes the moment and Lukas with both hands. But Lukas has a secret, one that will test Annelie’s love for him and threaten to tear them apart.

He’s an angel.

Annelie can’t believe it when Lukas says that their feelings for each other aren’t a sin, but she can believe his pain when he tells her the reason he’s on Earth. He is fallen, cast out of Heaven as punishment for a crime he didn’t commit. Lukas isn’t about to give up and accept his fate though. He’s determined to prove both his innocence and his love for Annelie, and to show her that the intense passion they share is real.

When Lukas and Apollyon discover who framed him, will he be able to stop them from going after Serenity and Annelie? Will he be able to protect the woman he loves and fly away with her into their forever after?


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Fall in love with the story of Annelie and Lucas from page 1, and never look back. The second in Felicity Heaton’s Her Angel series, combines action, excitement, sensuality and a growing romance to the finely crafted world that the author created for the series. This book does not require you to read the first in the series; Felicity recreated the important points in her creating of this new story. I would, however, suggest you immerse yourself in the series as a whole, with finely crafted characters and a vividly imagined world; this is a book that whets the appetite for more, and fits beautifully into the series. 

I was provided a copy of the book by BTS eMag for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review – all conclusions are my own responsibility.

5 Satin Pillows
Heat rating of 4 pillow mints

Monday, December 24, 2012

Natalie Gibson's Satin Sheets Romance Review of Blood Betrayed by Gabrielle Bisset

Blood Betrayed (Sons of Navarus #2)
by Gabrielle Bisset

Genre: Paranormal (vamprire) erotic romance
Length: 270 pages
Formats: ebook and paperback

I am everything forbidden. I am vampire.

Haunted by betrayal, Saint hides in the human world, giving his heart to no one and finding the only solace from his past in the arms of human women. Now as the Archons begin their takeover of the vampire world, this Son of Navarus has been marked for death. 

Summoned to defeat the Archons by the world that shunned him, Saint must face his past and Solenne, the woman he loved and lost a century ago, for only in accepting her will his body and soul finally find salvation.

Natalie Gibson's review:

Book 2 is about Saint, a 100 year old vampire outcast for his 'crime' of violating the sacred bond between vampire and sire.  Not wanting to give too much away, I won't give a full summary.  Saint is somewhat of an anomaly in the vampire world.  He doesn't fraternize with other vampires.  Not sleeping with vampires, even ones he's made, earns him the nickname Saint.  He takes comfort in the momentary comfort with the human women he makes love to, giving them happiness, stealing some of that happiness for himself.  The Archons turn their attentions to killing him and he is forced into the arms of Solenne, the woman who he broke all laws to be with and then rejected him allowing him to suffer his sentence alone.

This book is much better than book 1, in my opinion.  The twists and turns, flashbacks and subtle undertones made it a great read.  The plot was well planned and the tempo was just right.  There were no out of place surprises that pulled me from the story.  The characters were fleshed and full, complex and complete.  There were no places where anyone acted out of character.  My one complaint is that the sex scenes with the human women were too explicit and frequent.  The point could have been made with one or two scenes or maybe the same number of women but with less detail.  It would have made the scenes with his true love a little more effective.  

All in all, I really enjoyed the book and would suggest it to readers who love vampire romance.

I award Blood Betrayed 4 satin pillows.

Blood Betrayed earns 4 candle flames - sex and language is hot, graphic, and plentiful.

Come back after Christmas for my review of book #3 of Sons of Navarus.  It is about Terek, a mind reading vampire, and is by far the best of the series.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Dariel's Review of "Absolution" by P.L. Parker

For years, travelers in the French Vosges Mountains heard the wailing of a woman echo in the hollows. Her cries went unbidden. No one was brave enough to seek out the source. Over time, the screams lessen, then stop. Eventually, even the memories slipped away, forgotten.

Six centuries later, two over-eager research assistants find and release the young half vampire, Chloe—unaware of events they unwittingly unleash with her.

Far away, other forces are aware of her awakening. Zaccarius, greatest of all the Slayers, is sent by the Council of Nine to seek out Chloe, determine her worth and render justice. Enticed by her purity and innocence, he becomes her protector. However, Jochad, the Dark Master and his army of evil vampires are eager to claim Chloe.

In the battle that ensues, Zaccarius falls beneath Jochad’s army. To save her lover, Chloe must make a choice. Ancient and dying, Jochad needs her blood to reanimate. His ultimatum—her blood or Zaccarius’ life.

To say the least, author P.L. Parker has created a rather unique character in her heroine, Chloe. A desiccated, decomposing vampire slowly reanimating before my eyes was not what I expected, and certainly not the norm, but it worked.

The hero, Zaccarius, is a swashbuckling, good-looking, dark vampire – one of my favorite characters! He’s protective, loving, tortured, and redeemable. What more could a girl ask for? To top everything off, Chloe turns out to be a fighter.

As an author, I must say I was impressed by P.L.’s use of rich character accents to denote point-of-view instead of awkward scene breaks. She slips easily from one point-of-view to the next, breaking every rule and making it work.

You will love the supporting characters, Earl, Benny, and Shauna, as they add comic relief and somehow win you over with their endearing, if bumbling loyalty. Zaccarius’ trusted mentor, Alisdair already has a wife, but I’d enjoy reading their story – I fell in love with him, too. The villains, Jochad and Deac don’t have much depth, but who cares? They served their purpose. LOL

This book teeters on the line between paranormal romance and horror with romantic elements, and since I don’t mind a little blood and gore with my romance, I LOVED it! Five (5*****) satin pillows!  

Friday, December 21, 2012

Satin Sheets Romance Spotlights - Ryelee's Cowboy by Kathleen Ball

Ryelee's Cowboy
by Kathleen Ball
Published by Secret Cravings Publishing
Contemporary Western Romance (Action)
Heat Level: Steamy
Length: 200 pages

Available at:

Twenty-year-old Ryelee Snyder is pregnant and alone. Fortunately, she finds a job as a nanny to precocious four-year-old Rheenie Maloney. Life is perfect except for Horse Trainer, Clint Maloney. Ryelee feels his disapproval and is in constant fear of being fired.

Clint Maloney needs help with his daughter but he never bargained on Ryelee Snyder. The tall, gangly, girl is a menace. Clint spends too much of his time rescuing her from her latest mishap. Upon finding out about her pregnancy, Clint's feelings begin to change. He no longer views her as a nuisance but as a passionate woman with a generous heart.

Secrets, misunderstandings, and cattle rustling put an increasing strain on their relationship, until they finally turn from each other. Just as they seem to find their way back, Ryelee's part in the cattle rustling is unveiled. Ryelee fights unyieldingly to win the love of a lifetime.

 “I have read Rylee's cowboy (loved it) I went through every emotions one could. happiness, fear, angry, scared, frightened, cried, laughed got excited (blush)where was the hubby when reading this? lol this book was awesome i can't wait for the 4th book of Kathleen Ball's she is a great writer she makes those us that don't like to read WANT to read!!! they are books you can't just put down anytime cause the second your free you pick it back up again and read it. I highly recommend these books of Kathleens as a Must read!”-- Lisa Tompkins - ***** STAR

“Kathleen Ball pulled at my heartstrings once again. In her typical way, this author crafted a story that touched every one of my emotions and pulled me so far into her story that I felt I was part of it.

My heart ached for pregnant Ryelee as she tried to move past her heartbreaking upbringing and make a life for herself. Her relationship with little Rheenie was heartwarming, and her love for Clint was tender. And though at times my stomach hurt for the way Ryelee was treated, I knew Ms. Ball would give us a romantic hero we could be proud of.

This reader has become a lifelong fan of Kathleen Ball and her wonderful stories, and I cannot wait for more.”-- ClassDreamer'84 - 5 Star

“It’s not good for the baby. Have you seen a doctor yet?”

Ryelee shook her head. “I didn’t want to spend the money.”

“Let me get some tea to warm you up, and we’ll have a good talk.”

Ryelee wondered what a good talk consisted of. She wasn’t sure what it meant, but at least he hadn’t thrown her out in the street. Maybe he would let her stay until she found a new job. She hugged herself as she sat on the couch, waiting.

Clint walked into the family room carrying two cups of herbal tea. He placed them on the coffee table and sat down next to Ryelee. “I feel as though I’ve gotten to know you a bit while you’ve been living here,” Clint began. “I find it hard to believe that Dottie’s accusations of you entertaining men are true.”

Ryelee took a sip of her tea. It warmed her. She looked into Clint’s dark eyes and weakly smiled. No one had ever asked for her side of the story before. She swallowed hard, and wondered if Clint would believe a word she said. Looking into his whiskey colored eyes again, she saw compassion.

 “My father drinks and gambles a lot. After my mother died, he got worse. There were many times that I went to bed, my stomach hurting from hunger. More often than not we couldn't pay our bills. There were many nights that we had no heat. Thank God for our fireplace. Once there was a knock on the door, and two men pushed me aside and took both mine and my father’s beds. He’d lost them playing cards. Eventually the church gave me a mattress. They also gave me clothes. My father ran them off. They didn't come around anymore.”

Placing her teacup on the coffee table, she wondered how to go on. “Two months ago, he…he bet my virginity. He lost, and he demanded that I pay his debt. I was never so frightened. Who does such a thing? A man took me kicking and screaming to a warehouse or something. You can probably imagine what happened. It was the worst hell I’ve ever been through. The whole time I kept thinking why. What had I done to deserve this?”

“What did the police have to say?” Clint asked in a calm voice, but his face screamed outrage.

Ryelee felt like crumbling, but she gave him a shrug. “My father refused to allow me to go to the police. He wouldn’t even let me go to the hospital. I hurt so badly that I was bedridden for a week. He, the man, beat me pretty badly. I felt as though he had torn my insides. My father locked me in my room until I promised to keep quiet about the whole incident.”

About the Author:
Kathleen Ball has been writing a little over three years. She has four published novels: The Lasso Springs Series--Callie’s Heart and Lone Star Joy are available now.  Stetson’s Storm will be available in Feb 2013 all from Desert Breeze Publishing. She also has the Dawson Ranch Series from Secret Cravings Publishing. Those titles are Texas Haven and Ryelee’s Cowboy.

Kathleen lives in Texas and loves the fact that she can drive out of her subdivision and see cattle. She is a native New Yorker from Rochester, New York.

Kathleen is married and has one son who is a Marine. She started writing when she realized that she was facing an empty nest. Always an avid reader, she writes what she likes, Contemporary Western Romance.

Visit her at her website at